This page is dedicated to outlining the rules and policies that apply on the JAG Fanon Wiki or Fandom. Users should also read the Manual of Style. If you have any further questions, please contact an administrator or bureaucrat.
There is the NCIS Wki and Fanon but this Fanon is just only about JAG. This Fanon will have only JAG-related information including fanfiction. Characters and cast have crossed over to other TV series but their pages must contain only information on their time on JAG. Other wikis like this, this, this and this have incomplete information and missing images regarding JAG, thrown characters in the background, no pages on characters and cast and no trivia or goofs. This Fanon aims to coorect all such errors.
A Fandom staff member approved its creation here and here.
WARNING: Not knowing about these rules is not an excuse for breaking them. If you’re warned for breaking rules, “I didn’t know” is not an excuse; it is required that all users read these rules before contributing to avoid any complications on the site. The rules and policies here will be constantly updated, so please keep viewing this page.
The main rules
- This Fanon is about the NBC, CBS and Paramount+ military legal TV series that ran for ten seasons from 1997 to 2005. It is not about any other TV series that might share the same name. Content here must only be related to the JAG TV series. Therefore, there is no reason to ask on message walls or the Discussion link what this Fandom is about.
- All users must be logged in and of course have an account. It is advisable for your account to be email confirmed and autoconfirmed for better usage.
- No cursing here; the word damn is at most allowed. No animals growling like 'bruh'. No excessive initialism, eg LOL, ROFL. Any swear words will immediately get users a block.
- Be polite to administrators and bureaucrats and all members.
- Be accurate — All material listed on this wiki must be very accurate and on topic. Do not add any spam.
- Be Objective and on topic — Articles and updating should be factual and not biased. If you want to voice your opinion, do so in Discussions. Page talk pages have been disabled to prevent unwanted comments. Similarly, blog posts have been disabled.
- Episode or character discussion — Please do not discuss a different episode, a different character on wrong pages. Only add such topics to the trivia section. Or discuss it under the Discussion section. When discussing, please tag your discussion under the following categories set as Characters, Seasons etc. 'Genera1' is for anything else JAG-related. If unsure, please check ‘Guidelines’ on the left panel under Discussions – again the rules there will be constant updated.
- Bureaucrats and administrators may be busy with other issues so be patient for a reply.
Messages, and Comments
- Warning — Please note that this Fanon's is not for constant your own personal talk but discussion regarding JAG. Any such talk will be deleted, users will be warned and may be blocked.
- Spamming — Spamming with gibberish and nonsense is not acceptable on your wall or any content here.
- Bashing the content actors here, or starting conflict is unacceptable. If you don't like JAG, you don't have to be a member of this Fanon.
- Sexually explicit images or content — Sexually explicit images are not allowed here and will result in a ban of 3 months or more.
- Be concise — Do not flood the discussions even with related content. On that note, Bureaucrats and administrators suggest that users here contribute concisely.
- Harassment — Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated in this wiki. This includes:
- Insulting a users' or actors race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or any other part of their person.
- Harassing administrators and bureaucrats with pleads for a promotion to become another moderator, admin, or bureaucrat.
User Guidelines
- Usernames must be appropriate, not suicidal or racist or extremely weird. User images and profiles should also not be sexually or racially explicit.
- Sockpuppeting — using another account to circumvent a ban or block or excessing chatter, is not permitted on Ally McBeal Wikia. If it becomes known that a user is sockpuppeting, their sockpuppet will be infinitely blocked, and the block/ban the original account will be extended.
- Users' pages — Editing or deleting other user's pages is generally forbidden unless permitted by that user. Bureaucrats and Administrators reserve the rights to change profiles when necessary.
- Any User's message wall should not be for personal chit-chat; wall messages should be about editing or Ally McBeal.
- If you have made many positive edits and been active for a while, you may request for rights such as: Content Moderators, Discussions Moderators, Rollbacks, Map Testers, and of course Administrators and Bureaucrats. It would be welcome to have more such accounts. Bureaucrats and administrators may ask you if you like to be promoted.
Page rules
- The general rules are:
- Always leave an Edit Summary in the wide blank space below so all users can view what you edited.
- Replacing content — As above, replacing JAG-related content with fake content or blanking or spam will not taken lightly and will result in immediate bans.
- Advertising — Advertising one's business or something that will generate them money is forbidden and will result in a warning or ban.
- Unreliable information — Inserting false or unreliable information is not allowed, as this is a wiki site. If you have any questions regarding the verifiability of a source, ask an administrator. Please don't draw information just from Wikipedia ; use more reliable sources. Do not use material from TV Tropes; that site is not factual.
- Categories — Before making new categories, please consult present ones or with a bureaucrat or administrator. Adding random categories without the permission will be classed as spam and will result in a one-week ban.
- Spamming — Once again, spamming pages with gibberish and nonsense is not acceptable.
- Vandalism — Vandalizing pages or removing a large amount of content from a page without clear reason is absolutely not tolerated.
- Images — All images must list their copyright licence or status, ie. Fair Use, Wikimedia, Free Licence or Other. Users who don't obey will be warned or blocked. Please see this link from Fandom.
- GIFs — GIFs are allowed on article pages such as relationship articles and event articles, however, to a reasonable limit. It is recommended that a GIF feature only important scenes relating to the article.
- Irrelevant Images — Do not add random images that have nothing to do with Ally McBeal. Don't upload images with logos eg Fox or other channels or your own logo. Crop them.
- Infobox Images — Do not change the Infobox main picture of an article without consulting with an administrator first.
- Trolling — Trolling, or posting things that make no sense just to be funny is absolutely not allowed, and the troller will be blocked for up to 6 months or more.
- Illegal content — Users are not permitted to share full episodes here via torrents or warez, or any other illegal sites. Clips are allowed but consult if you are unsure.
- Copyright violations — Again, users who continually post copyrighted material despite being warned should be blocked so as to prevent further violations.
- Editing conflicts — When there is an editing conflict, warn the bureaucrats or administrators.
- Important pages — Tampering with templates is not allowed without permission from an administrator or bureaucrat. If you want to change something, consult with a site administrator or bureaucrat.
- Impersonation — Impersonating an administrator or real-life person is never allowed and will result in a 1-month ban without warning.
- Avoid directly copying content into articles in verbatim, whether from other websites, such as Wikipedia, or other official sources. Instead, add in your own write-up. Please reference news or websites using Cite News and Cite Web. If the templates don't appear on the page, try again or ask admins.
Discussion Rules
- Please tag your posts under the categories you see on the right panel. The category 'General' is for anything else but still Ally McBeal-related.
- These categories are: 1) All - put all your post here. 2) By Season - Discussions regarding seasons or individual episodes. 3) Characters - Any from main to minor. 4) Actors/Actresses - their roles on Ally McBeal and other acts.
Warnings and Blocks
This Fandom's or Wiki's warning system will provide multiple opportunities for editors to resolve any policy violations before they are blocked. Editors who are found to be acting in malice are exempt from this warning system and may be immediately sanctioned.
- Reminder — Reminders are given for minor first-time policy violations and serve to officially notify the editor of this Fandom's policies. These will go on your wall.
- Block — If a user has already received several warnings and continues to violate the wiki policies, they will be blocked depending on the severity of the action.
- Extended block — If you are blocked and harass bureaucrats or administrators to get you un-blocked, your ban time will be doubled the original amount each time or even longer.
- Indefinite — If you continue these violating major rules, including repeated and severe vandalism or vandal attacks after being blocked, you will be blocked for a longer period until further notice.
The sanction system comprises of eight different ban lengths that range from a one day bans to indefinite. The length of a ban will rely heavily on the severity of the violation. Although it will be up to the discretion of the issuing administrator, the following are guidelines for appropriate ban lengths.
1 Day
- Editing another user's profile page, even after being warned once.
- Violating any of the main rules above.
- Inappropriate username or profile.
1 Week
- Profanity.
- Spamming or blanking one or more pages.
- Making pages which are off-topic.
- Using Discussions for off-topic talk.
- Uploading copyrighted images or not listen to Bureaucrats or Administrators messages regarding it.
1 Month
- Impersonating a bureaucrat or administrator.
- Repeatedly inserting nonsense/gibberish into pages or images or discussions.
- Making irrelevant episode/character pages or uploading such pages.
- Attacking users or Ally McBeal actors, creators, writers, directors and producers.
- Constantly Uploading copyrighted images.
3 Months
- Inserting sexually explicit images or text, or links to pornographic content.
- Constant vandalism.
1 Year or more
- Intensive copyright violations.
- Attacking bureaucrats, administrators or established users.
- Advertising one's business/website.
- Continuous harassment.
Try not to get blocked. Remember to search your soul to find your way back home.